On another occasion we were approached by a young boy (also cleaning side mirrors at a stop light) and I was taken off guard. We gave the boy some change for his efforts but there was a part of me that was angry because such a young boy was out washing windows trying to survive. As those feelings started to grow I looked back to see the boy quickly reunite with his father who had been washing windshields. The father patted the boy on the head and they sat down together for a rest.
Not too long after this I was walking down our alley rather quickly to grab something from our apartment when I passed by a man and another young boy. It was a few minutes after I passed them that I realized what they were doing. The man had been digging through the trash and the young tike was holding a bag open for cans. Again, I didn’t really know what I should be feeling about this situation.
I think if you look at these situations at face value there is reason to sorrow. If you only see young boys struggling for survival than there may be even cause to question faith and maybe even God’s existence. You might even be angry at a world that would allow such things to happen. I was touched by each of these situations and the question I ask myself is, “What can I learn?” or, “What is to be done?”
Another part of me is happy about what I saw. In reality you might call me crazy after a statement like that. Let me explain… What a miracle that at such a young age our spider-man backpacked and tiny red ragged boy has developed enough faith to form a habit of appreciation towards God. Someone had to teach him that. How special that the second window-washing child is able to spend his days working along side his father and spending time with him. What principles were our trash digging father teaching to his small son as they looked for cans? I would like to hope that there was teaching taking place. Maybe these situations weren’t as devastating as I first thought? Maybe they were. These are my thoughts.