Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Visitor’s From The North

I realized that I haven’t been writing in my blog as frequently. Have no fear my friends! I am still alive! Life has gotten busier and I’ve found myself with less and less time. Last week was especially busy because a good friend, Robbie Jones, came to visit me. What an adventure! I came to realize last week that the crazy things about Mexico are starting to seem normal to me. Maybe that’s why the blog has gotten slow. I promise to do a little better.

While Robbie was flying from SLC to Mexico City I was on a bus from Veracruz to Mexico city. We spent two days in the big DF, as they say here in Mexico. What a different experience than I’m used to! Mexico city is truly a different world than Veracruz.It’s big, dirty, and not the Mexico I’m used to.

Our first day we spent on the metro, on a bus, and then in the ruins of Teotihuacan! They were huge! Check it out!


The Pyramid of the SUN!


And the Pyramid of the MOON!


And the Sun from the top of the Moon!


We had quite the adventure. This was an interesting place to visit because it was completely different from the past ruins experience I had at El Tajin. These ruins were a lot bigger, a lot more spread out, and in a complete desert. El Tajin was smaller, closer together, and jungle-like. Both neat but El Tajin still has my vote for the favorite. Cool experience.

One of the best parts about the experience was being pulled off the bus on the way back to Mexico city for a drug test! How exciting!


This sums up this adventure! See you soon!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Rash Decision

Well, I feel a little bit like a bum because I haven’t posted a blog for quite some time. Sorry folks. Life just grabs you by the horns sometimes and takes you for a ride. I’ve got stories to tell but find the time at a scarcity. I’ll try to be more consistent.

Today I was thinking to myself, “Self! By golly it’s hot and I’m all sweaty!”  Then my mind continued to wander and I started thinking about some other big events coming my way. One of the projects I’ve taken on is the expansion of a phenomenal business down here in Veracruz. Long story short… I decided I needed to be more professional looking and  more comfortable in the humid heat. Here is the result…




Yep, I cut my hair! I’m saddened… I’m going to miss all that hair. I keep getting these phantom feelings that I should toss the hair out of my face and when I swing my head the hair doesn’t move like it used to. Since the cut was done I’ve been accused of intentionally trying to look younger to get with younger girls and of losing my sex appeal (whatever that means). I might cry myself to sleep tonight. The one thing I know for certain is that for now the facial hair is staying!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Beware of the TV!


This picture was the closest one that I had to match the topic of discussion for today’s blog. So here is a small explanation of the picture before moving on to other matters of business. In order to promote the English courses that we are doing we made a bunch of little movies to introduce each of the topics that we cover during the classes that we teach. It was a lot of fun to make the movies and also very random. This picture is a shot of the filming process. Looks pretty legit eh!?

If you would like to take a look at the videos that we made feel free to take a look at You might enjoy what you see. You might not. If you’re lucky then maybe someday I’ll show you a hidden clip that was never posted.

A small fun fact about Mexican TV is that about a third of the TV channels are actually in English with Spanish subtitles. It makes it very convenient for a couple of gringos to enjoy a little TV every once and a while.
The other day Camm and I are sitting in a home eating dinner while a couple of people in the other room were watching a blaring television set. We were enjoying our meal and trying to keep small talk amid the blaring background noise of the TV. We could hear things blowing up, guns firing and, of course, the English was very understandable. All of a sudden we thought we heard a pretty dirty word. We brushed it off and kept our conversation going. Then, out of no where, more profanities than could be kept track of were blasting through the home at high decibels. At this very moment the people in the other room all start laughing and laughing. Camm and I took one glance at each other at couldn’t help but crack a smile. We knew that the people had no clue what was actually being said because of some fancy subtitle work. It was actually quite humorous at the time.

Since that day, and after having some other questionable experiences, we are a lot more leery about turning on the TV (especially late at night). We’ve got the news and sports channels all memorized so we don’t have to go flipping through the other stuff. Ha! Crazy world we live in ain’t it!?