Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Home for a Visit

As many of you already know, I’ve made my way back to the United States for a couple of weeks. Thinking back on the last four months I find it hard to believe that I did so much in such a short period of time. I still have so many more things to blog about and I think the list just keeps getting longer day by day. I hope you all got the memo that life is wonderful!? Something happens everyday in any given person’s life that is worth writing about.

I’ve come to the following conclusion. Each and every day something spectacular happens. I mean let’s think about it… what is something out of the ordinary that happened to you today? I’m not talking about anything strangely bizarre or extraterrestrial, although I wouldn’t rule those out, but rather something small and simple. Something that you could have missed if you weren’t paying attention. What is it that made your day unique?
In an attempt to illustrate my point I’d like tell you about my experience in the Cancun airport. On my flight home there was a slight “delay”. From the following picture you can see that there was quite a line.


Yep, that is three hours of waiting time right there. I was intrigued by the difference in attitudes while listening to random people’s conversations in line. Yes, I’m a bit of an ease dropper. Many people were very impatient and quite vocal about their disapproval of the airline. Others held their peace and quietly waited without saying a word. Yet there was another kind of group who would open up to their neighbors and start conversations with complete strangers, telling each other about very personal issues going on in their lives.

It was kind of a culture shock standing in that line listening to all the English speakers that I haven’t heard for four months. But I was taught a valuable lesson as I listened to the people. The people who were complaining and being impatient didn’t get through that line any faster than the rest of us. In fact, I’m pretty sure they were miserable the whole time. Yet the people who were starting conversations with their neighbors often learned new things and found out intriguing details about people from a different background and demographic. It’s all about the people! Getting to know the people!

Was this an ordinary travel day and airport line? For some I believe it could have been. For me, I think not! Life is wonderful!

And now the view from the plane!


1 comment:

  1. Good point. And I am glad that you are around for a little while!
