Thursday, January 21, 2010

Toilet Paper Wars

I hope you all enjoy the movie. We were waiting around one day in the “country” jungle and decided to make a movie with snap shots. You’d think that we had nothing to do while we were here in Mexico but we’re actually quite busy. Isn’'t life great!? Simple pleasures….

Well this next story has nothing really to do with the video that we made but I find it funny. In order for this story to make sense I need to do some background explanation. Our apartment is rather small, including our bathroom. The bathroom fills with steam in the mornings when we shower and due to the humidity it tends to stay rather damp throughout the day. Anyways, our toilet paper roll was starting to feel the effects of the moisture and was more like a roll of wet wipes than toilet paper. There is the background… now for the story.

One day I used the last of the toilet paper role and Camm comically freaked out claiming that I had used half the roll. He said that when he was in there last the roll was still rather large. I had to defend myself and so I very clearly explained that the toilet paper roll had just looked big to him because it was so damp, but in actuality there wasn’t much left at all. 

Well, the fact of the matter was that we were out of toilet paper on a day that toilet paper was much needed. So we went to the store. We walked the block and a half to the little corner store and walked to the back of the store where to our surprise there was quite a selection of toilet paper. Camm wanted the pack of four cheaper toilet paper rolls. I wanted the one large roll of better quality paper. He was still kind of holding a grudge about me using the toilet paper so he wasn’t going to budge on his stance. So, needless to say, we each bought our own toilet paper in hopes that ours would not only be cheaper, but be of better quality, and last longer.  So we both brought our toilet paper to the register and got a funny look from the register girl. Good times…

Then this old lady comes in and gives the girl at the register a funny smile and a, “Eh Eh?” I think she thought we were cute. At least that’s the story I’m sticking with.

In the end I think I came out victorious. We read the labels on the walk back home and I had almost just as many squares as he did in his four rolls in my one roll. AND, his rolls are paper thin. He will deny all of this of course but deep down he knows that it’s true.

Just tonight, Hiram brings in some new toilet paper and says, “Ok guys, no more cheap toilet paper.” Maybe we both lost in the end?

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