Monday, February 1, 2010

At The Beach


When I’m home, the mountains are my refuge. I go there to ponder, to study, and to find inner peace. While in Veracruz, I have come to love the ocean. For now, the beach has taken the place of my mountains back home.

The other day, I was in the mood to do some thinking. I grabbed my Book of Mormon, my pen, and my journal and walked to the beach. I walked out onto a wave break and found a place to set my bottom for a while. I was amazed at the power and the beauty of nature. The ocean waves were powerful yet gentle. The wind was strong yet soothing. The sun was slowly setting but bright enough to allow for a read. Everything was just the way that it should be. What a gift we have been given by our Heavenly Father!

At the Beach2

I have also come to love the beach for the playful opportunities that it provides. There is nothing like the feeling of a  rushing wave power over you and  envelope your body, or digging for sand dollars and sea shells, or making a sand castle just to watch the waves get past your protective wall and take it out to sea, or burying a friend in the sand for a while. I’ve had some fun times the past couple of weeks and look forward to making more memories.


  1. Thanks for the morning laugh. That was great! I am glad you have a soothing place to go. The beach in Argentina did that for me too. By the way, the top picture is a pretty good one of you.

  2. Umm... bro... time to go back to the gym if it's that hard to get a little mud off... ;-) Don't have too much fun down there!

  3. So i'm not sure if you even remember me and it's probably weird that I'm commenting, but I couldn't help it. :) I've always found it interesting how you can think you know someone, but then writing always seems to bring out a different side. I'll try not to make this long, but I always knew you were a nice person in HS, but you seem very genuine when you write. There aren't very many people like that anymore. Thought I'd let you know. :)
