I was awestruck and humbled by the beauty of this magnificent place. You know when you see pictures of other people at ruins like these ones and you think to yourself, “Someday I will go to a place like that.”? This is the type of mystic land that I used to only dream about exploring! Even now I have a hard time believing that I was actually there.
The day couldn’t have been any more perfect. It had been threatening to rain in the morning and only started to slightly drizzle while we were amongst the towering ruins. The light raindrops kept things cool and colors vivid.
As I roamed the ancient city of Tajin, the Book of Mormon stories, that have been taught to me since I was a child, started to come to life. I could picture people gathering, commercializing, preaching, and playing games. I began to visualize leaders orating, mothers caretaking, children scampering, lawyers convincing, and warriors defending. I felt like my eyes were opened to a whole new way of life. This day for me was a life-like journey back to the days of the Nephites and the Lamanites.
The intricacies of each and every stone was astounding to the eye; the symbols and etchings- genius. How these feats were ever accomplished without the modern tools that we enjoy today will remain a theory and a mystery.
One particular example of the capacity of this former people is the Pyramid of the Niches. This pyramid contains exactly 365 niches or windows representing the solar year. The most spectacular thing for me was the size of this building. Isn’t it gorgeous?
In each adventure lies mini-adventures. El Tajin was no different for me. At one point during our meanderings we saw the backside of a pyramid that had not been fully excavated. It just looked like a big green grassy hill. Looking around and not seeing any signs telling me not to climb, I took the invitation. I even asked two other people if they saw any signs; their responses gave me the go (One of them even climbed with me). I got to the top and took some great pictures and enjoyed a beautiful view. At the bottom of the ruin a lady passed by and told our friend at the bottom what bad people we are and kept walking. I was curious why she was so angry. We snapped a few more pictures and made our way down. We started to walk back to the front of the park and right at that moment we saw the sign. “Please do not climb.” I felt so guilty! We really didn’t see the sign! Now I am certain that this picture must be shown.
Now that you’ve seen my pictures you too can say to yourself, “Someday I’ll go to a place like that.” And you will!
Oh jealous! The artwork on the side of that building is awesome. Wow! And soooo pretty! I need more greenness in my life. Maybe that is why I have lately become a compulsive house plant buyer. I don't am not going to have room for them all if spring doesn't come soon!